Dra. Jackeline Abad
(M’15) received the B.S. degree from Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University, Pullman. She held a Fulbright grant in 2010. She is currently an Associate Professor with the Departamento de Automatización y Control Industrial, Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito.
Her current research interests include structural analysis and controller design of dynamical networks with applications to sensor/robot networking, epidemic control, and power systems network control. -
Publicaciones en Revistas (JCR/SJR/Scopus)
Torres, J. A., & Roy, S. (2018). Dominant eigenvalue minimization with trace preserving diagonal perturbation: Subset design problem. Automatica, 89, 160-168. Torres, Jackeline Abad, Sandip Roy, and Yan Wan. "Sparse Resource Allocation for Linear Network Spread Dynamics." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2016). Dhal, R., J. Abad Torres, and S. Roy. "Detecting link failures in complex network processes using remote monitoring." Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2015). Torres, Jackeline Abad, and Sandip Roy. "Graph-theoretic analysis of network input–output processes: Zero structure and its implications on remote feedback control." Automatica, 61 (2015): 73-79. Abad Torres, Jackeline, and Sandip Roy. "Graph-theoretic characterisations of zeros for the input–output dynamics of complex network processes." International Journal of Control 87.5 (2014): 940-950 Publicaciones en conferencias (Scopus)
Kasra Koorehdavoudi, Sandip Roy, Jackeline Abad Torres, Mengran Xue, “Impacts of High and Low Gain Controllers on Remote Channels in Dynamical Networks”, submitted to IEEE Control and Decision Conference 2018. Koorehdavoudi, K., Roy, S., Torres, J. A., & Xue, M. (2017, December). Interactions among control channels in dynamical networks. In Decision and Control (CDC), 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on (pp. 1058-1063). IEEE. Vizuete, R., Torres, J. A., & Leica, P. (2017). Trajectory tracking based on containment algorithm applied to a formation of mobile manipulators. ICINCO 2017 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics,1, 122-131. Dinuka Sahabandu, Rahul Dhal, Jackeline Abad Torres, Sandip Roy, "Local Open-Loop Manipulation of Multi-Agent Networks.", In American Control Conference (ACC), 2017. Roy, Sandip, Jackeline Abad Torres, and Mengran Xue. "Sensor and actuator placement for zero-shaping in dynamical networks." In Decision and Control (CDC), 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on, pp. 1745-1750. IEEE, 2016. Koorehdavoudi, Kasra, Mohammadreza Hatami, Sandip Roy, Vaithianathan Venkatasubramanian, Patrick Panciatici, Florent Xavier, and Jackeline Abad Torres. "Input-output characteristics of the power transmission network's swing dynamics." In Decision and Control (CDC), 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on, pp. 1846-1852. IEEE, 2016. Torres, Jackeline Abad, Sandip Roy, and Sarah Rausch. "Sparse linear and nonlinear controls for network spread processes." In American Control Conference (ACC), 2016, pp. 3372-3377. IEEE, 2016. Torres, Jackeline Abad, and Sandip Roy. "Dominant eigenvalue minimization with trace preserving diagonal perturbation: Subset design problem." In Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on, pp. 4208-4213. IEEE, 2015. Torres, Jackeline Abad, and Sandip Roy. "Dominant eigenvalue minimization with trace preserving diagonal perturbation: Subset design problem." In Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on, pp. 4208-4213. IEEE, 2015. Torres, Jackeline Abad, and Sandip Roy. "A two-layer transformation for characterizing the zeros of a network input-output dynamics." In Decision and Control (CDC), 2015 IEEE 54th Annual Conference on, pp. 902-907. IEEE, 2015. Torres, Jackeline Abad, Sandip Roy, and Yan Wan. "Sparse allocation of resources in dynamical networks with application to spread control." In American Control Conference (ACC), 2015, pp. 1873-1878. IEEE, 2015. Torres, Jackeline Abad, and Sandip Roy. "Implications of a dynamical-network's graph on the estimability of its modes." In American Control Conference (ACC), 2015, pp. 1375-1380. IEEE, 2015. Abad Torres, Jackeline, Dhal Rahul, and Sandip Roy. "Detecting Link Failures in Complex Network Processes Using Remote Monitoring ", American Control Conference (ACC), July 1st 2015. IEEE, 2015. Abad Torres, Jackeline, Sahabandu, Dinuka, Dhal, Rahul, and Roy, Sandip. “Local Open- and Closed Loop Manipulation of Multi-Agent Networks,” International Conference of Cyber-Physical Security (ICCPSA), 2015. Abad Torres, Jackeline, and Sandip Roy. "Stabilization and destabilization of network processes by sparse remote feedback: Graph-theoretic approach." American Control Conference (ACC), 2014. IEEE, 2014. Valdez, Justin, Xun Zhang, Jackeline Abad Torres, and Sandip Roy. "Fast fault location in power transmission networks using transient signatures from sparsely-placed synchrophasors." In North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2014, pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2014. Abad Torres, J., and Sandip Roy. "Connecting network graph structure to linear-system zero structure." American Control Conference (ACC), 2013. IEEE, 2013. Dhal, Rahul, Jackeline Abad Torres, and Sandip Roy. "Link-failure detection in network synchronization processes." IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. 2013. Torres, Jackeline Abad, and Sandip Roy. "Cramer-Rao bounds on eigenvalue estimates from impulse response data: The multi-observation case." CDC. 2012. Roy, S., Xue, M., Dhal, R., Abad Torres, J., Alex, C., & Chen, C. W. (2012, June). Security of airborne network dynamics and algorithms: a graph-theoretic perspective. In Proceedings of the first ACM MobiHoc workshop on Airborne Networks and Communications (pp. 19-24). ACM. -
Proyectos Realizados
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